Minimizing Storm Damage: Preparing Your Home for Storms

Your home is more likely than not to suffer some form of damage after an extreme weather event, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. There are ways to minimize storm damage to your home and the resulting repair costs.

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Ridgeline Construction Roofing & Exteriors, one of the state’s top roof replacement contractors, lists them down below.

Sandbag Your Home

Storms are almost always accompanied by floods, which can enter your home and drench valuable electronics and potentially compromise its structural integrity.

Sandbagging is one way of impeding the flow of floodwaters into your home. Sandbags need to be piled up at least two feet high to be effective in slowing down the rush of water inside.

It would be prudent to keep a few sandbags on hand; they’re hard to come by before a storm, especially with people in a frenzy and panic-buying at the supermarket and hardware stores. In case you don’t have enough, you can supplement sandbags with garbage bags filled one-third of the way with water.

Keep in mind that sandbags can’t completely stop the flow, so you still need to move furniture and valuable electronics upstairs.

Trim Overhanging Limbs 

Strong winds can blow away debris that can end up on your roof. As a precaution, roof repair companies recommend trimming overhanging limbs to prevent them from falling onto and damaging your roof.

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It will also be harder to damage your roof if there’s no pre-existing damage, and it’s securely fastened. Roofing systems are able to withstand strong winds to a certain extent, but it’s easier to tear off a roof that has already been loosened.

This also the reason why roofing companies recommend periodic roof maintenance. You never know when a storm is just a few days away, so it’s best to be prepared.

Ridgeline Construction Roofing & Exteriors is a family-owned contractor. We offer a wide range of roofing services, including roof inspections and storm damage repair services. Our team of experienced professionals can help you maintain your roof and prevent costly damages.

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