5 Common Metal Roofing Myths Explained

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A lot of homeowners tend to have second thoughts about getting metal roofing for their homes because of a few common misconceptions. As one of the best roof replacement contractors, Ridgeline Construction Roofing & Exteriors believes that you should know the real deal about five common myths and why metal roofing is a viable pick.

Stylish metal roofing

1. Metal Roofs Rust

Rust is perhaps the biggest “problem” holding people back from getting metal roofing. However, today’s metal roofs are virtually as moisture-resistant as shingle or tile roofs. This is because of advances in rust protection and metal manufacturing processes.

2. Metal Roofs Are Hot

While it is true that a metal roof can get very hot under the sun, this material is actually one of the coolest options available today. Roofing companies recommend metal roofing because of its ability to reflect and shed off heat faster than any other roofing material, making it an energy-efficient option.

3. Metal Roofs Are Noisy

The sound of rain hitting the roof can bother a lot of people, especially during nighttime, but that problem is not exclusive to metal roofing. In fact, reducing noise for any type of roofing depends on the quality of insulation and soundproofing underneath the roof’s surface and not the material.

4. Metal Roofs Are High Maintenance

Many people think that they have to worry about spending a lot of time and resources to keep a metal roof in good shape. However, roof repair companies say that maintaining a metal roof is pretty much the same as other low-maintenance options like asphalt shingles.

5. Metal Roofs Are Flimsy

Since metal sheets are very thin, it’s not surprising for homeowners to assume that metal roofing is flimsy. Fortunately, experts say that metal roofing is the best when it comes to durability. Impacts and other factors that could easily shatter other roofing materials would probably leave easily repairable dents on the surface at worst.

Don’t let myths rob you of the chance to get metal roofing. Ridgeline Construction Roofing & Exteriors is the leading roofing company in Alabama. You can call us at (256) 325-1345 or fill out this contact form to request an estimate.