Types of Popular Siding: Which Option is Best for You?

a close up view of severe pitting likely caused by hail

Choosing The Right Siding for Your Home Whether you’re remodeling or building a new home, choosing the siding for your home is a big decision. Not only is it a huge expense, but it’s the first thing people notice when looking at your home. With several different options on the market, it can be difficult […]

Spring Cleaning: Don’t Forget Your Roof

small trees

Spring brings with it warmer temperatures, blooming flowers, more sunlight, and unfortunately, pollen. Here in Alabama, pesky pollen coats our cars, outdoor furniture, and porches with a thick yellow covering from March throughout April and into May. But what about your roof? How do the falling pollen and leaves affect it and what can you […]

How Spring Rain Affects Your Roof

rain pouring down on a asphalt shingle roof

As April showers bring May flowers this year, don’t let your roof suffer from the heavy rain. These weather conditions can cause water to build up and damage your home if you don’t take proper preventative measures. Check out these tips to learn more about spring rain and how you can prepare your roof. Is […]

What To Do After Storm Damage

reroofing project before

Storm season can be pretty scary. Rain can cause flooding, wind whips through streets and around buildings, and tornados and hurricanes cause serious damage to structures and homes. In the south, tornado season is typically March through May, and hurricane season is June through November. The state of Alabama is known to have a second […]

What to Look for in a Roof When Buying a House

modern metal roofing

What to Look for in a Roof When Buying a House Purchasing a home is an incredibly exciting experience, congratulations! We know there are a ton of things you’re looking for in your new home, and adding to the list can sound stressful, but hear us out. Pay attention to the roofs of the homes […]

What to Expect From Your Ridgeline Construction Project Manager

A Ridgeline project manager's truck in front of a client's home

When you reach out to Ridgeline Construction Roofing & Exteriors, a friendly and professional representative is ready to assist you. The first step towards completing your project is taking down your name, phone number, email, and address where you would like the work performed. Next, one of our experienced project managers will be in contact. […]

5 Roofing Tips To Follow For A Safe Winter

leaves in gutters

Forgetting to winterize your home before the cold weather months can be costly and potentially detrimental to your home. A simple task such as cleaning out the gutters can help keep your roof structurally sound and safe throughout the winter. To help you prepare for the cold, Ridgeline Construction Roofing and Exteriors has pulled together […]

How Does Winter Weather Affect Your Roof?

recent siding project

Many homeowners are aware of the need to protect exterior pipes, check window and door seals, and trim tree branches back in preparation for cold temperatures. Winterizing your home can prevent costly repairs later on. The last thing you want is pipes freezing up and cracking. Let’s check out how winter weather affects roofs and […]

How Much Does a Metal Roof Cost?

a close up view of a very detailed skylight project with a brown metal roof

Metal roofs are becoming increasingly popular for new homes all over the country. They look good, work good, but are they more or less expensive than a normal shingle roof? Here is what the professionals at Ridgeline Construction Roofing & Exteriors have to say about metal roofs. How Much Does A Metal Roof Cost? Cost […]

4 Tips on How to Budget For a New Roof

calculating home remodels

Home ownership creates a good feeling, it’s truly yours and comes with a sense of more permanency. It also comes with a lot of responsibilities, such as roofing and other maintenance responsibilities. A roof is an essential element that shields you from the elements. Whether you’re building a new house or plan to replace the […]