What to Expect From Your Ridgeline Construction Project Manager

A Ridgeline project manager's truck in front of a client's home

When you reach out to Ridgeline Construction Roofing & Exteriors, a friendly and professional representative is ready to assist you. The first step towards completing your project is taking down your name, phone number, email, and address where you would like the work performed. Next, one of our experienced project managers will be in contact. […]

5 Tips To Fix Your House Exterior This Summer

a well managed and landscaped backyard

As the summer weather is kicking in, it is the season to make your house exterior look the way you have always wanted to. There is no better time than now to get outside and get things done that you have put off in the past. Follow these 5 tips to make the rest of […]

5 Roofing Facts You Should Know

red metal roof

Roofing may not be the most exciting thing to talk about, but it is essential to everyday life. Ridgeline Construction offers many products and services that will be sure to meet any roofing needs you may have. Here is a short list of roofing facts that you need to be aware of.  Metal Roofs Metal […]

Roofing Upgrades to Consider When Reroofing

construction worker wearing safety gear on a roof

Your roof may need an upgrade from time to time, so be sure that you know what you are doing. Here are a few roofing upgrade tips to consider when you are thinking about having your home reroofed.  Get New Shingles  When you are considering reroofing, something you should think about is getting new shingles. […]

A Look Into New Advancements In Residential Roofing

There are many new advancements in the world of residential roofing. These help roofers be able to complete the job more efficiently and effectively. It also helps the homeowner to know that the job is going to be done correctly. Some of these new advancements also help with the safety of this home service. Let’s […]

Read This Before you Insulate your Attic

man inspecting insulation in rafters

Are you considering insulating your attic? Insulating your attic is one of the best ways to save money and increase the energy efficiency of your home. Heat rises and therefore heat rising to an uninsulated attic is energy wasted. An uninsulated home can lose up to 60% of its energy through the attic. Insulation Saves […]

6 Signs It’s Time for a New Roof

hammer sitting at a construction project

Whether you’re a new homeowner or have lived in your house for years, you are constantly learning things about your home. Since your home likely didn’t come with an owner’s manual, knowing when it is time for a new roof may not be obvious. Some things are lived and learned, but knowing when you replace […]

Power Bill Too High? Learn Ways to Keep Your Roof Cool and Your Pocketbook Full

reroofing project drone view

The summer in Alabama can be brutal. With the sun beating down, high humidity, and heat advisories, who wouldn’t want to stay cool by hanging out inside all day? But when the air conditioning starts running, the power bill can start spiking. If your air conditioning seems to be constantly running, causing an outrageous power […]

Roofing Myths: Facts From fiction

nailing down a shingle

As a homeowner, no one expects you to be an expert on all roofing products and services. However, misunderstanding roofing projects can cause detriment and damage to your home. Unfortunately, most homeowners tend to underestimate the level of care that a roof requires and have misguided expectations about the support of their home’s roof. Addressing […]

Simple Techniques to Stormproof Your Roof

rolls of roofing

Your roof is a significant investment so you want it to stay protected against harsh weather. By keeping it in good shape, you can also ensure the safety of everyone in your home.