Hanging Christmas Lights? Avoid Roof Damage With These 4 Simple Tips

holiday lighting on home

When your family gets bitten by the holiday spirit bug, you’ll likely find yourself on a ladder outside…Hanging Christmas lights all over your home helps to spread the holiday spirit to those in your neighborhood. But, before you hit the ladder, here are some helpful tips you should follow to ensure you don’t damage your […]

Zero Contact Roof Inspection

construction worker using a tablet

We here at Ridgeline Construction have taken a break from our regularly scheduled programming to bring you an important message. We all know that these are difficult times. Our lives have changed drastically and may remain changed for the coming weeks or months. We want you to know that we’re still here for you and […]

Making The Switch To Solar: How A Roofing Company Can Help

solar roof

If you look at all the rooftops of your neighborhood, chances are at least one of your neighbors has solar panels.   Decades ago, only people looking to get off the grid or living in remote areas used solar panels in their homes. Now, the residential use of solar panels has become more accessible than […]

The Importance of Roof Coatings

coating a roof

There’s so much that goes into owning a home. Whether you’re watching your first home go up or an experienced homeowner who’s confronting a new maintenance challenge, every home offers a novel set of decisions throughout its lifespan. We here at Ridgeline Construction are constantly considering the little details by putting ourselves in homeowners’ shoes.  […]

Preparing Your House for Hurricane Season

a man measuring a window

In previous blogs, we’ve touched on various preparations for damage to your home. From insurance considerations to gutter maintenance, it’s crucial to prepare for all sorts of events that might come your way. Weather is one of the most common sources of impact on a home. In Alabama, specifically in the southeast region, hurricanes can […]

Insulating Your Home to Prevent Heat Leakage

rolling out insulation in an attic space

Recently, we here at Ridgeline Construction have been focused on protecting your home, whether from hurricanes or the current crisis. Today, we’re going to shift gears a little and focus on how you can also protect your wallet.  Spring is in the full bloom. As the weather grows milder, it’s a perfect time to move […]

Ridgeline Construction’s Guide to Gutter Maintenance

gutter and downspout

Gutter Cleaning & Maintenance Your gutters play a vital role in your home maintenance. They make sure to supply proper drainage from rain and move water away from your home’s foundation and basement. Since they are in constant use, it’s easy for your gutters to become clogged or dirty. It isn’t difficult to clean gutters, […]

Ridgeline Construction clients share their experience

workers discussing project

At Ridgeline Construction, we value your input as clients. After all, you are just as integral a part of the construction and design process as we are. It’s our mission to work with homeowners as a team. We are dedicated to making sure we can accomplish the goals you have in mind for your home. […]

Ridgeline’s Tips For Window Replacement

woman opening curtains

Window Replacement There’s an old adage that windows are the eyes of your house. Your windows’ aesthetics and stability represent a lot of what you’d like your home to convey. It’s important to make sure your windows are updated and maintained regularly, not just for aesthetic reasons, but for safety, as well.  If your windows […]

Pros of Vinyl Siding For Your Home

large sliding glass door

It’s important to look at all possible options available to you when updating your home. There are more resources available to homeowners than there were, say, ten years ago. One of these resources is vinyl siding. Vinyl siding has been around since the late 1950s but due to advances in technology, the option is stronger […]